The United Kingdom Об'єднане Королівство
the UK = United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland (consists of England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) Об'єднане Королівство Великої Британії та Північної Ірландії (складається з Англії, Шотландії та Уєльсу)
Great Britain Велика Британія the Union Jack назва прапору Об'єднаного Королівства
city capitals столиці
Belfast Белфаст (столиця Північної Ірландії)
Cardiff Кардіфф (столиця Уельсу)
Edinburgh Єдинбург (столиця Шотландії)
London Лондон (столиця Англії) patron saints святі покровителі St Andrew св. Андрій (покровитель Шотландії)
St David св. Давид (покровитель Уельсу)
St George св. Георгій (покровитель Англії)
St Patrick св. Патрік (покровитель Ірландії)
places to see/visit in London місця, які можна побачити/ відвідати в Лондоні
the Tower of London Лондонський Tayep
Buckingham Palace Букінгемський палац
Hyde Park Гайд-парк (парк у Лондоні)
Westminster Abbey Вестмінстерське абатство
Big Ben Біг-Бен (популярна туристична назва годинникової вежі Вестмінстерського палацу)
the Tate Gallery of Modern Art Галерея сучасного мистецтва Тейт
Madame Tussauds Wax Figures Museum Музей воскових фігур Мадам Тюссо
The British Museum Британський Музей
Soho Сохо (район французьких та італійських ресторанів у Лондоні)
10 Downing Street Даунінґ-стріт 10 (офіційна резиденція голови уряду в Великій Британії)
other places to see/visit in the UK інші місця, які можна побачити/ відвідати у Великобританії
Loch Ness озеро у Шотландії Лох-Несе
Stonehenge Стоунхендж
festivalsand holidays фестивалі та свята
St Patrick's Day (17th March) День св. Патріка (17 березня)
Pancake Day I Shrove Tuesday День млинців / Масляний вівторок
Guy Fawkes Night I Bonfire Night (5th November) Ніч Гая Фокса або Ніч багать (5 листопада)
Halloween I All Hallow’s Eve (31st October) Гелловін або «Вечір всіх святих» (31 жовтня)
Edinburgh Festival единбурзький фестиваль
The United States Сполучені Штати Америки
the Stars and Stripes I Old Glory державний прапор США
Washington DC столиця Вашингтон
the Civil War (1861-1865) Громадянська війна (1861-1865)
the Capitol Building in Washington DC Капітолій (місцеперебування Конгресу США на Капітолійському пагорбі в Вашингтоні, центр округу Колумбія.) the White House Білий Дім (особиста канцелярія президента США)
places to see/visit in New York місця, які можна побачити/ відвідати в Нью-Йорку
Madison Square Garden Медісон- сквер-гарден (спортивний комплекс у Нью-Йорку (США)
Empire State Building Емпайр- стейт-білдінг (хмарочос в Нью-Йорку)
The Statue of Liberty Статуя Свободи
Wall Street Волл-стріт
Broadway Бродвей Fifth Avenue П'ята Авеню
the Museum of Modern Art Музей модерного мистецтва (музей в Нью-Йорку)
other places to see/visit in the USA інші місця для відвідування в США
the Grand Canyon Великий каньйон
Yellowstone National Park Єллоустонський національний парк
Great Salt Lake Велике Солоне Озеро
festivals and holidays in the USA фестивалі та свята в США Thanksgiving Day (the 4th Thursday of November) День Подяки (останній четвер листопада)
Independence Day (4th July) День Незалежності (4 липня) Halloween Гелловін
Memorial Day (the last Monday of May) День пам'яті (останній понеділок травня)
Columbus Day (the second Monday of October) День Колумба (2 понеділок жовтня)
Other English- speaking countries
Інші англомовні країни
Australia Австралія
Canberra Канберра (столиця Австралії)
Canada Канада
Ottawa Оттава (столиця Канади)
Ireland Ірландія
Dublin Дублін (столиця Ірландії)
New Zealand Нова Зеландія
Wellington Веллінгтон (столиця Нової Зеландії)
South Africa Південна Африка
Cape Town Кейптаун (столиця ПАР)
EU Європейський Союз
bilingual education двомовне навчання
Comenius programme програма Коменіус (програма обміну школярами, розроблена ЄС)
e-learning education навчання онлайн
Erasmus programme Програма Еразмус (програма обміну студентами та викладачами між університетами в країнах ЄС)
e-twinning eTwinning - це навчальна програма Європейської Комісії, започаткована в 2005 р. з метою розвитку співпраці європейських шкіл.
Youth in Action programme програма "Молодь в дії"
Verbs with prepositions Дієслова з прийменниками
believe in вірити в
choose from/between обирати з/ між
compare with/to порівнювати з
cooperate with співпрацювати з
decide on приймати рішення щодо
involve in залучати до
reporton доповідати про
from/into перекладати з/на
A Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).
1. The capital city of Scotland is. ___
2. The patron saint of Ireland is. ___
3. One of the most important American holidays that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November is called. ___
4. ___ is a geographical area that consists of England, Wales and Scotland.
5. The American flag is known as ___ or ___.
6. The official home of the American president is ___.
7. The financial district in New York is called ___.
8. ___ is the capital city of the Republic of Ireland.
9. Education that involves the teaching of the school syllabus in two languages is called ___
10. The ___ is a symbol of freedom and was the first sight to be seen by people who went to
the USA looking for a better life.
B Work in pairs.
Student A You work in a travel agency in Sydney, Australia. Convince your customer that the best place for a two-week holiday is the USA. Give the customer as much information about this country as you can.
Student В You are a customer in a travel agency in Sydney, Australia. You would like to go abroad for a two-week holiday. You haven’t yet decided where to go. Talk to the travel agent and ask him or her to help you choose the right place for you. Explain that money is not a problem. Ask the travel agent to tell you as much as possible about places that are worth seeing/visiting.
When you have finished, exchange roles (Student A becomes Student В and vice versa).
Student A You work in a travel agency in Sydney. Convince your customer that the best place for a two-week holiday is Great Britain. Give the customer as much information about this country as you can.
Student В You are a customer in a travel agency in Sydney, Australia. You would like to go abroad for a two-week holiday. You haven’t yet decided where to go. Talk to the travel agent and ask him or her to help you choose the right place for you. Explain that money is not a problem. Ask the travel agent to tell you as much as possible about places that are worth seeing/visiting.
C Are the following sentences true or false? Write T (True) or F (False) next to the sentences.
1. Another name for Shrove Tuesday is Pancake Day.
2. 10 Downing Street is in Washington DC.
3. St Patrick’s Day is celebrated on the same day as Bonfire Night.
4. Madison Square Garden is the place in San Francisco where important sports events are held.
5. The Statue of Liberty is a present that France gave to the Americans in 1886.
6. The Civil War was a war between the East and the West.
7. Bonfire Night is celebrated by the British on 5th November.
8. The capital of the USA is Washington DC.
E Work with the class divided into two groups. Each student is to think of at least one question on British or American culture. Set a time limit (e.g. 10 minutes) to think of and write down your group’s questions. Each group must have 10 questions. Make sure you and your group members can answer those questions yourselves! When both groups are ready, ask the other group your questions, giving a point for each correct answer. Give them the correct answer if necessary. The group with the most points wins!
the USA
• Who are your favourite British and American writers? Why do you like them?
• Have you ever been to Scotland? Did you enjoy it? / Would you like to go there?
• What do you know about this country?
A Listen to the text. For statements (1-5) choose T if the statement is true according to the text and F if it is false.
T |
F |
1. Agatha Christie was born at the beginning of the 20th century. |
2. She completed part of her education abroad. |
3. She used her experience of working in a pharmacy in her writing. |
4. Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple are very similar characters. |
5. Some of her books were published under a different name. |
B Listen to the text. For questions (1-5) choose the correct answer (A, В or C). |
1. What is Ben Nevis? |
4. What is the climate in western Scotland like? |
A. It is Scotland’s deepest valley. |
A. wet and mild |
B. It is Scotland’s highest mountain. |
B. dry and cold |
C. It is Scotland’s biggest island. 2. How many islands are there in Scotland? A. 1,343 B. 780 C.18 |
C. cool and snowy 5. Where can you find seals? A. in the lakes B. in the north C. on the coast |
• What festivals do you know of? Where are they held? • Do you like going to museums when you are abroad? Why? I Why not? A Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. |
The Edinburgh International Festival (EIF) takes place every year in August and September. It started in 1947, and it soon became one of (1) ___in the world. It presents theatre, music, dance and opera performed by Scottish and international companies and artists. |
The EIF now takes place in The Hub, |
The festival seeks to promote |
and renovated. It opened |
(5) |
in an innovative way. |
(2) |
It also presents international culture to Scottish audiences and |
(3) |
The Festival Director |
is responsible for the programme and for inviting the artists who are going to perform. Five other festivals have developed around the EIF over the years. The most important one is the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, which presents performances |
of (4) |
with no |
selection policy. The other four festivals are the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, the Edinburgh Film Festival, the Edinburgh Jazz Festival and the Edinburgh Book Festival, which is held every two years. |
in its current role in July 1999 and includes a cafe, a ticket centre, a shop and educational facilities. The Hub is a permanent focus for the festival, as it houses Festival Insights, a year-round programme of lectures, courses and workshops (6) ___. However, the facilities are used for other purposes, too. The Main Hall can be hired for wedding receptions, fashion shows or choir rehearsals. The Dunard Library is used for lectures, multimedia presentations, seminars and for committee meetings of the Scottish Parliament. |
A. arts of a high standard |
B. the most important celebrations of the arts |
C. the other festivals in Edinburgh |
D. featuring Scottish and international artists |
E. Scottish culture to international audiences |
F. a Victorian building which was redesigned |
G. a festival which is organised |
H. theatre, world music, dance and stand-up comedy |
Drawing more than a million people to the city from all over the world, Edinburgh’s various festivals are very important to the Scottish economy. They create more than 6,000 jobsand generate over £300 million of spending every year. |
The Edinburgh International Festival |
B Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use. |
Shop till you |
If you aren’t worried about your credit card bill, Fifth Avenue is the place for you. In the world's most famous shopping district you'll find so many shops-from designer label boutiques to antique shops-that you won't know where to begin. If you like department stores, visit Saks Fifth Avenue at 49th Street. Those who prefer specialised high-fashion boutiques can choose from Prada, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co., and many more, all within just a few blocks.
Manhattan Mall (on Sixth Avenue and 33rd Street) is only one block away from the Empire State Building. It has 80 shops on nine floors-including Sterns Department Store- and New York's largest food court. You can also watch performances of music and drama from different parts of the world every day.
A. sells used goods
B. is an area where you can find cheap things
C. is particularly suitable for children
D. is open for business 24/7
E. is an expensive shopping area
F. sells only food
G. is open very early in the morning
is near a famous tourist attraction
3 Green Flea Indoor and Outdoor Markets
The ideal place to spend a Sunday morning.
You'll find an unbelievable selection of clothes, jewellery, antiques, CDs, new and second-hand books, as well as flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables.
Thousands of shoppers from all over the world visit the historic Orchard Street Bargain District in Lower Manhattan. Look for the best bargains in clothes, shoes, leather goods, jewellery, furniture and lots more.
The area’s buildings, dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries, have been changed into galleries, boutiques and shops. In the Fulton Market Building you'll find the famous Fulton Fish Market, where selling begins at 5 a.m.l There are also over 100 cafes and restaurants, so your only problem will be deciding where to have lunch.
• Would you like to attend the Edinburgh International Festival? Why? I Why not?
• When you are learning a foreign language, is it important to know the culture and history of the country/ies where it is spoken? Why? I Why not?
Read the texts below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
May Day in
Wales is famous for many traditions that date back centuries. May Day was once considered to be one of the most important celebrations, as it celebrated the start of summer. In the past, the lighting of fires was associated with May Eve, the day before May Day. The fires would be (1) ___ by nine men chosen from the village. These men would empty their pockets, making sure that there was neither money (2)______________________________________ metal in them. They would then go and collect sticks that had fallen from nine different kinds of tree and bring them back to the village, where one of the nine would light the fire. The ritual was meant to protect the village’s animals from disease.
May Day was an opportunity for (3) ___ socialising and having fun after the long, often hard winter. The maypole was an important part of the Welsh May Day tradition. In southern parts of the country, people (4) ___ the pole painted in different colours and then danced around it, covering it in ribbons as they went.
May Day festivities are still popular in Wales, and it’s common for (5) ___ of a village’s residents to take part in the singing and the dancing.
1. A. build |
B. building |
C. built |
D. to build |
2. A. nor |
B. and |
C. neither |
D. either |
3. A. either |
B. or |
C. and |
D. both |
4. A. had |
B. get |
C. be |
D. put |
5. A. Both |
B. Either |
C. None |
D. All |
English Dictionary
We are so (6) ___ looking words up in a dictionary that we rarely ask ourselves how they got there in the first place.
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) started out in 1857 as a project that aimed to include every single word written in the English language since the 12th century. The project’s organisers were interested (7) ___ showing the historical development of each word: when it first appeared and how its meaning had changed over time. Thousands of volunteer readers from all over the English-speaking world got (8) ___ in the project. With their help the dictionary was completed seventy-one years later, in 1928.
Today it includes more than 600,000 words and phrases and continues to grow, with the help of digital technology. Because language changes along with society, people continue to (9) ___ on new words and changes in meaning. The editors of the OED must then (10) ___ which ones to include-but no word is ever taken out.
• Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? If yes, when and where was it? What sights did you see? Which did you like the most?
• If no. would you like to visit an English-speaking country? Why / Why not?
A Read the emails carefully and circle the correct words in the second email. Then answer the questions.
© )
Hi Maria,
Sorry for not writing earlier but when I got back from London, I had lots of work to catch up on.
Anyway, London was amazing! While there, I got to see most of the famous (1) capitals / landmarks I had heard so much about. I visited the Palace of Westminster, the London Eye and the (2) Pillar / Tower of London. I also saw Buckingham Palace from (3) up close / closely and managed to be there on time for the Changing of the Guard (4) ceremony / party.
The place I liked the most was the Natural History Museum, which is (5) housed / kept in a beautiful Victorian building. You can see all kinds of dinosaurs there! I was really looking forwards to visiting Madame Tussauds, too, but the (6) bookings I queues were too long! I found out later that you can get in faster if you book online, and you also get a 25% (7) discount I sale.
Anyway, I'll be visiting London again really soon, so I'll do the rest of the (8) views / sights then. Maybe we'll even go together next time. What do you say?
Love, Anna
1. Which landmarks did Anna visit?
2. Which sight made the greatest impression on her and why?
3. Which sight did she not manage to visit and why?
B Complete the sentences with the names of the landmarks given in the box.
Broadway Empire State Building Grand Canyon Loch Ness
Statue of Liberty Stonehenge
Madame Tussauds Tate Gallery
1. While I was in London, I visited, ___ which is a museum filled with wax figures of famous people.
2. While we were in London, we took a day trip to ___. It’s a really old monument that experts think was used for religious reasons or to estimate time.
3. As the four of us were driving through the US, we stopped at the ___-a natural site that takes your breath away with the size and colour of its landscape.
4. On our New York trip, Lucy and I booked tickets to watch Cats on ___. It turned out to be the best musical we have ever seen!
5. We drove from one beautiful Scottish lake to the next and even stopped at ___ to see
if the monster was there. Sadly, it wasn’t!
6. I actually got to see the ___ from up close. Did you know that it was a gift to the
United States from the people of France and that it represents the Roman goddess of freedom?
7. We spent nearly a day at the London ___. I have to admit I saw some beautiful works of art there.
8. On our first day in New York we went up the ___, which is 103 storeys high, to get a view of the whole city before visiting other sights.
C You received the following email from your friend, Myra.
Unit 15: Causative form, All-Both-Neither-None-Either, Double conjunctions
Grammar Practice
A Choose a, b or c and complete the sentences.
1. When_______ a. have |
_ your old furniture replaced? b. you had |
@did you have |
2.1 usually_____ a. pay my bills |
__ by my secretary. b. have my bills paid |
c. have my bills pay |
3. Samantha____ a. hasn’t |
____ a newspaper delivered to her house every morning, b. doesn’t have |
c. doesn’t |
4. Ken________ his washing machine installed by a plumber. He did it himself. a. not have b. haven’t |
c. didn’t have |
5. Where_______ a. do you have |
_ your car serviced? I want to take mine there, too. b. you have |
c. you had |
6. the windows cleaned, please. a. Have b. To have |
c. Had |
Diana works at a travel agency. She herself.
8 I _____ by the dentist yesterday and I haven’t got any cavities.
a. checked my teeth b. got my teeth checked c. got checked my teeth
9. ‘Dad, can we go outside and play?’ ‘first’.
a. Have your homework finished b. Have finished your homework c. Finish your homework
10. ‘When are you going to move into your new house?’ 'Well, I’m going to next week and then I’m
going to move in’.
a. have it painted b. painted it c. have paint it
B Rewrite the following sentences using the Causative Form.
1. My father always prepares my lunch.
I always have my lunch prepared by my father.
2. David called a technician to repair his new computer.
3. A private security company guards our neighbours’ house.
4. I must ask the cleaners to clean the windows at the office.
5. Some technicians are installing a new security system in my office.
6. You should get somebody to fix the broken window.
7. Ray’s first book was published last month.
C Complete the blanks with a//, both, either, neither, none.
1. Mike: Do you want to travel by boat or by plane, Sharon?
Sharon: I don’t mind at all. Either js fine just as |ong as we get to the island!
2. Lucy and Ron are very good at chemistry. They ___ took part in an international chemistry
competition and won prizes.
3. ___ of my friends have a car, so they use the underground quite often.
4. ___ Robert and I want to go out but of us have money, so we're staying at home.
5. ___ Robin nor Kelly wanted to work on Saturday.
6. Ken: Why did Martin and Paul have a fight?
Sean: I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to ___ of them since Tuesday.
7. Kim has three older brothers and ___ of them are doctors, like their father.
8. Chris: How are we going to get there?
Josh: We can ___ walk or take a taxi.
9. We’ve got two TVs, but ___ works properly. We’ll have to buy a new one.
10. Jean: Which of the two dresses would you choose?
Josh:. ___ They’re ___ terrible.
D Join the sentences using either... or... neither... nor or both... and....
1 Jane is an optician. Michael is an optician too.
Both Jane and Michael are opticians.
2 Ken will complete his studies this year or next year.
3 I can’t concentrate with the radio on and I can’t concentrate with you talking to me all the time.
4 Sally hasn’t bought tickets to the opera. Tom hasn’t bought tickets to the opera either.
5 Craig has completed his project and handed it in.
6 I haven’t read the book. I haven’t seen the film either.
7 My new car is fast. It’s economical too.
8 We can go skiing or skating.
- Teacher: Mykola Vlasenko